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August 2, 2019

Sequence of events new Governor of Puerto Rico

Sequence of events. Outgoing governor Ricardo Rosselló named a new Lt. Governor to take his place once he leaves office Friday August 2, 2019 at 5pm. Visit this CBSNews video for the days event regarding this announcement.

July 27, 2019

Literally We the People Spoke

Between #RickyRenuncia and #RickyRenunció there's a world of courage, tenacity, determination and anger that fueled a movement that made more than history, it marked the beginning of taking power back and there is no turning back.

Hashtags helped to get the word out around the world while some wondered what it was all about. Those more than merely curious learned that leaked chats (aka #RickyLeaks 889 pages Telegram chat by CPI) revealed callous disregard, disrespect on behalf of those in charge or running Puerto Rico. I would say governing yet running is better suited as they were running what felt like a man's club cloaked in mirrors and deceit.

Once all the chat pages were made public the atmosphere

July 22, 2019

Transmisión Paro Nacional hoy en Puerto Rico

En el pasado la cobertura de eventos similares en Puerto Rico ha sido limitada por que al comienzo de paros o protestas la transmisiones por la internet se han bloqueado para el resto del mundo.

La frustración y el coraje no me detuvo en conseguir cobertura en vivo. Unos de los foros donde encontré varias personas reportando envivo fue

October 5, 2018

Como instalar Google mini


No siempre es fácil instalar algo por instrucciones verbales cuando estamos tratando de ayudar a alguien por teléfono. En este caso para asistir a la instalación de Google Mini, hoy comparto con ustedes un

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